Friday, February 21, 2020

Rebuilding Community Using positive Psychology Essay

Rebuilding Community Using positive Psychology - Essay Example One is left wondering how such a humanitarian and natural catastrophe could conspire to create a living hell, with flooding that stretched beyond 90,000 square miles and creating a human displacement of 400,000 people. Hundreds of thousands of residents lost jobs. In a nutshell the happening of the disaster teared apart the social fabric as ruthless as the physical infrastructure. In reality this is a spiritual dent that is firmly embedded and forever shall ring on the minds of the masses and transcending beyond various manmade stratums in life. Yet this agonizing aftereffect leaves an awkward experience to the urban planners, Policymakers. According to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, the analogy here is that the current state of living in Katrina at the bottom of Maslow's law of hierarchy of needs. Thus the superdome city has become an abyss of suffering, desperation and despair. The worst tragedy is the mayhem created by hoodlums who crept out from their dark hiding places to their new freedom of looting and raping the helpless vulnerable Katrina Survivors and ignorantly exposing the dark belly of New Orleans. William C Compton (2001) It is now evident that Environmental catastrophes unfold in different shapes and sizes that cannot be contained by human ingenuity; this can be quantified with the concurrent striking of tsunami in Katrina, Indonesia, Kobe Japan among many places. Therefore rebuilding Katrina to its former, and better stature goes beyond brick and mortar. Posttraumatic syndromes need a specialized approach in combating the menace. Kolk's classic article, "The Body Keeps the Score," Harvard Review of Psychiatry, Jan-Feb 1994, 253-65). Reports that Trauma alters limbic system structures (involved in various emotions such as aggression, fear, pleasure, and also in the formation of memory) in ways that are not easily corrected through talk or self-reflection. This calls for probing of highly sophisticated positive psychiatry modalities that have the ability to rapidly counter maladaptive hyperarousal in the limbic system. This abolishes the preconceived illusion that is rides on the notions that outlive s the materialistic view of food; medical treatment and shelter as the only requirements needed by refugees of Hurricane Katrina. Energy Psychology Therapy With limited psychiatry centers, it is therefore a collective responsibility for clinical psychiatrist's from myriad backgrounds and the community at large to integrate Energy psychology, a discipline that utilizes cognitive interventions, combined with methods derived from acupuncture, acupressure, and related systems. - In treating emotional and behavioral problems. Historical records indicate that the approach has had a remarkable achievement as post trauma psychological intervention in the wake of natural and human disasters in the Congo, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Mexico, Moldavia, Nairobi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, and Thailand and probably it will bring optimistic changes upon the Katrina's. Energy psychology is an approach to psychotherapy and emotional self-management that uses the stimulation of "energy points" on the skin for the purpose of changing specific emotional response patterns (Gallo.F.P 2004). Stress Debriefing and Cognitive Behavior This approach was founded and

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

In the Iliad, analyze the critical similarities or differences between Essay

In the Iliad, analyze the critical similarities or differences between the Trojans and the Achaians - Essay Example A central theme throughout The Iliad is the recognition by both the Trojans and the Achaians that the gods of Olympus would determine the final outcome of the conflict. This shared belief is shown throughout the story in many different ways. One manifestation of this shared belief in the intercession of deity in the lives of men in The Iliad is through the casting of lots. In essence, this is the same as drawing a name out of a hat to see who wins something. But for the Trojans and the Achaians, it is a means of knowing the will of the gods. When the Achaians needed to know who should fight against Hektor, the lot fell upon Aias. This relieved the Trojans because this was the very person they had been praying would receive the chance to fight Hektor. This shared belief in the intervention of gods in the conflict is also shown in the direct speech between the two warring armies. At the beginning of Hektor’s challenging speech to the Achaians, he expresses his belief that both s ides have found ill favor with Zeus. That is why neither side can prevail. The prayer of the Achaians is also telling in this regard. They prayed that their champion, Aias might prevail over Hektor, but only if Zeus loves Aias more than Hektor. They prayed that if Zeus loved them equally, then they wanted each to return from individual battle with equal honor and safety. This, in fact, is what happened in this particular instance. Another shared cultural feature of the Trojans and the Achaians is the emphasis on honorable actions and bravery. Bravery, bravado and physical prowess are marks of honor and distinction for both societies. In his speech to the Achaians, Nestor upbraids his countrymen for not being willing to challenge Hektor. He states clearly that he would do it himself if he were not so old. He then recounts fights that he won that brought him honor. He makes it clear that none of the assembled Achaians were worthy of such honor because they